Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow Storm - 12-12-10

The snow is still falling here in Michigan and we have several hours of it to come.  It is really beautiful.  If this doesn't put you in the Christmas spirit, I don't know what would!  Here is a little Hairy Woodpecker (it could be a Downy too, it's hard to tell) coming into our suet feeder.  Stay warm!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW that is a great picture!!! what kind of lens did you use to get this close?? so pretty with the snow. Last week I broke my lens to my Nikon. Luckly the lens did not break it was the plastic pieces that hook onto the camera, not a good time to break your lens during the holidays. I HAD to go buy a new pocket camera. Its the Nikon cool pix S8100 digital to use for my photos of cards and stuff but I will still use my big camera for the outdoors.
    Sorry to have gone on but this is a great photo I like it. would be great on a Christmas card.
    Thank You for Sharing
    Merry Christmas
